
The Carps
September 19, 2007, 10:33 pm
Filed under: Afro-Canadian, Music | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

The Carps are from Scarborough, a pretend hood in Toronto. They are a duo that plays music for human ears. Having two people in a band can be a liberating thing, as it has been seen. Such a shame they are so young — had they come around any earlier they could’ve taken credit for more than a few novel ideas. With the EP the Young & Passionate Days of Carpedia VOL.2, the two ragamuffin soul rockers deliver the promise to set themselves far apart from elephants, swirly red and white candy, beards, brothers and sisters, and Phil Collins. The Carps stand alone. They sound like nothing you could imagine, and everything you’d like to.

The Carps thrive on ingenuity and vicissitude. Newness always! Therefore the captain of the ship, Neil White, wielding his disheveled bass and a wonky synthesizer, steers this raw emotion into a palatable and progressive direction. All this while never leaving his “mindless self-indulgent” duct tape Punk Rock days far behind him. Perhaps the jungles of Sri Lanka still run through his veins, though he could never lose the class and distinction that only he, as a real British bloke, could carry.

Jahmal Tonge is the soul junkie. Growing up on asexual legends like Michael Jackson and Prince, it was sifting through his father’s record collection that exposed to him to Motown, Stax, Soul music! These are the sounds that are at the heart of The Carps. From behind his drum kit, or with his guitar strapped and his MPC drum machine at his side, Jahmal soulfully screams his soul- ful, soul-catching, soul-baring soul in a raw way… It’s the only way he knows. It was Bold, Black, Christian women that led him that direction. Discernibly, the sight and sounds of the Caribbean still stick. Hearing the tropical wind blow through an open church tent as a woman cries out to God, tearing her vocal cords from the deepest part of her being, will change a temerarious young boy.

The Carps 

I am Canadian, I think?
September 19, 2007, 3:42 am
Filed under: Issues | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

I think I am still lamenting over the fact that Ontario, or shall I say the outskirts of Toronto, is a bit more prejudice then I thought. What am I referring to you ask? Well, it’s the comments I have heard lately and from others during this provincial election. It seems that the faith-based funding issue and the amount of “ethnic” candidates are bringing out the worst in people. Or should I say that it really has always been there? Imagine why would an Afro-Canadian, Chinese-Canadian, South-Asian or any other so called ethnic minority even think that they are allowed to run for office. This is not my Canada and it does not look like me. Our for-fathers built….Shall I go on? I have always thought that Canada is a bit more racist and intolerant then we like to believe. We like to say that Canada is not like the American experience, however I wonder who is more racist, prejudice and intolerant?

My parents are immigrants, but I grew up in Canada from birth. So am I Canadian? I think so, just as much as the person who somehow believes that it is theirs. In my experience ignorant and bigoted individuals in Toronto tend to “smile” with you and say that they like you. They may even pat you on the back and say “you are so great, you are a good person”. They would never say a mean thing to you directly; however behind your back they say some of the most awful things. I cannot use that language on this blog, but in such a diverse area such as Toronto, I am sure you can imagine it. I have even heard of individuals not voting for particular candidates because of their colour or ethnic background. So how tolerant are we? As tolerant as the peameal bacon on our plate for breakfast! I guess we are tolerant because we do not hang people from trees. So that makes us so much better then everyone else, especially American right? We can hold our heads high and say “everyone should be like us”. But I wonder are the people that make racist and ignorant remarks simply afraid? Do they now feel “threatened” because they are now considered the minority? Ironic isn’t it!

We are all shaped by our environment. Hatred is something that we learn and it is only education that can change and reshape us into a better society. We need to learn about other cultures, if we are to become a better Canada. We are all not born racists. However, when a group of people feel that they are better then others, what happens? I guess over the years these individuals have become so used to their ways that they cannot see out of the box. They feel that the immigrant should somehow conform to the Canadian way, whatever that is. We are Canadians of many colours and we can learn from one another. Maybe we can spread a little Canada to the rest of the world? “Canada does not only belong to those who sailed here first. It actually belongs to those who were here first”. Better yet, I think colorless cans of paint are on sale this weekend. We should all pick up some!

By: Torontomatic